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8 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Feeling done with putting things off? Looking for ways to overcome procrastination? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Procrastination is a common issue that affects many people. Balkis and Duru (2007) and Ferrari and Díaz-Morales (2014) found that around 20-25% of adults worldwide struggle with chronic procrastination in various areas.

In this article, I’ll share 8 effective ways to overcome procrastination. Plus, we’ll discuss 4 common causes of this productivity killer.

Table of Contents

  1. What causes procrastination?
    1. Avoiding task pain
    2. Fear of inadequacy
    3. Perfectionism
    4. Lack of motivation
  2. 8 Ways to Overcome Procrastination
    1. Break your task into smaller steps
    2. Use tools to help you complete tasks
    3. Improve your skills
    4. Boost your confidence
    5. Overcome your perfectionism
    6. Imagine your success
    7. Reward yourself
    8. Find supportive friends or communities
  3. Closing remarks

What causes procrastination?

Procrastination often leads to misery for those who engage in it. For instance, individuals who put off work will have to go through the agony of rushing at the last minute to meet the work deadline.

Students who procrastinate often have to go through the misery of cramming a semester’s worth of studying into a single night.

Nonetheless, people continue to procrastinate. So, why do people put things off even though it causes pain and difficulty? Here are 4 common causes of procrastination:

Avoiding task pain

This is ironic. Procrastination often leads to pain. But people engage in it because they want to avoid the pain of doing the work they have to do.

This is why people tend to procrastinate on tasks they find challenging, as they can be more uncomfortable or painful to perform.

Fear of inadequacy

Some people put off tasks due to their fear of not being able to do them well. They may feel that their skills are inadequate, or they may be anxious about producing poor results.

Some of these concerns may be valid and caused by an actual lack of skills or resources. But others simply stem from a lack of confidence or limiting beliefs.


Perfectionists think their work must be perfect, or they will fail. This mindset can lead them to put off a task because they fear falling short of their expectations.

Perfectionism may also exacerbate the pain of performing a task by tinkering with details. For example, endlessly editing a sentence when writing due to dissatisfaction.

Since this focus on achieving perfection can increase the pain associated with a task, perfectionists tend to procrastinate.

Lack of motivation

Lack of motivation is another reason for procrastination. Motivation is a critical factor in task completion. It determines whether an individual will take action to finish a task.

If a task is rewarding or relevant, it’s easier to feel motivated to complete it. Conversely, if the task is not rewarding or relevant, motivation can be hard to come by.

When you lack the drive or interest to complete a task, the likelihood of procrastinating is high. You’ll tend to postpone or delay the task.

8 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem that can have serious consequences. It can sabotage your goals, harm your career, and lead to mental health issues like anxiety or depression.

So, if you struggle with procrastination, it’s crucial to address the issue directly and proactively. Here are 8 effective ways to overcome procrastination:

Break your task into smaller steps

As mentioned earlier, people often put off tasks to avoid the pain of completing them. To tackle this, try making your task less overwhelming by breaking it into smaller steps.

When you break a task into smaller, more manageable parts, it becomes easier to work on and complete.

For instance, if writing a 1500-word article in a day seems challenging, break it down by writing 500 words each day for three days.

Use tools to help you complete tasks

Tools can be helpful when it comes to completing tasks. By using tools, you can often reduce the pain associated with a given task.

For example, if English isn’t your native language and writing in English is challenging, try using tools like DeepL Translator or ChatGPT.

Nowadays, there are countless tools available to help you with a wide range of tasks. Many of these tools are free, while others may require payment.

Improve your skills

If you’re struggling with a task, it could be because you lack the necessary skills. Thus, improving your skills can reduce the pain of performing your tasks.

Let me tell you a story. When I used to work as a journalist, I had to write articles quickly. The problem was that I wasn’t very good at writing fast.

So, during my first month on the job, it was a nightmare. I had to stay late at the office to finish my work, and sometimes I even had to sleep there.

But things got better after a few months. I rarely had to work overtime or spend the night in the office because my writing speed had improved.

You can improve your skills by either self-learning and practicing, or by taking courses and training programs.

Boost your confidence

As I mentioned earlier, sometimes procrastination stems from a lack of confidence. You might have all the necessary skills, but you doubt yourself and don’t think you can do it well, so you put it off.

In such cases, it’s crucial to challenge the negative beliefs you hold about yourself. For instance, if you think you can’t speak on video, try it out anyway and see how it goes.

We often don’t realize how capable we are until we give something a shot. So, take a chance, challenge yourself, and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

Overcome your perfectionism

Perfectionism is based on the false belief that we have to be flawless, or else we’ll fail. But that’s just not true, because there’s no such thing as perfect.

If you’re a perfectionist, it’s important to challenge your false beliefs. Chasing perfection can lead to procrastination and decreased productivity.

I used to be a perfectionist when it came to writing. I found myself editing my work over and over again, always trying to make it perfect. This habit caused me to waste a lot of time and made the writing process painful, so I tended to put it off.

Eventually, I started questioning myself: what exactly is a perfect piece of writing? What is a perfect sentence? And I couldn’t come up with a definitive answer.

Because the truth is, there is no such thing as perfection. Perfection is different for everyone. What might be perfect for me might not be perfect for someone else.

Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that you should settle for mediocrity. There are certainly best practices for any given task. And it’s important to strive for excellence in what you do.

But once you’ve followed those best practices, that should be enough. And it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as they’re not catastrophic.

Imagine your success

As mentioned earlier, one reason why we tend to procrastinate is that we lack motivation. So, one solution is to boost our motivation. And one way to do that is to picture yourself winning.

Imagination has the power to trigger the same physical and emotional responses as actual experiences. So, by imagining success, you can feel the thrill of victory to a certain extent.

For instance, if you’re starting to get lazy with your online biz tasks, try picturing yourself once your biz has taken off.

Imagine all the freedom you’ll have to spend time with your family. No more sitting in traffic to work a dead-end job. Hopefully, that taste of success will light a fire under you and get you back to work.

Reward yourself

One way to give yourself a boost of motivation is to treat yourself after you’ve accomplished something. It makes the whole process more enjoyable.

There are so many options when it comes to rewards. You could give yourself a small gift, watch your favorite TV show, or maybe go out with friends or family.

Find supportive friends or communities

As humans, we’re strongly influenced by the people around us. That’s why it’s crucial to surround ourselves with people who get us and lift us up.

If you’re hanging out with folks who don’t support your dreams, it’s tough to stay motivated. But, when you’re vibing with supportive friends, your motivation can shoot up.

So, to keep your motivation pumping, try to find friends or communities who are all about what you’re into. And don’t waste your time with people who don’t respect your hustle.

Closing remarks

Procrastination can affect anyone and have negative consequences in our lives. But it can be overcome by identifying its causes and implementing the right strategies.

In this article, I have outlined 8 ways to overcome procrastination. By implementing these methods, you can start to take control of your procrastination.

Remember, overcoming procrastination takes time and effort. You’ll also need the willingness to adapt. But, with dedication and persistence, you can overcome procrastination.

In writing this article, I got a helping hand from AI tools like DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, and Google Bard, as English is not my native language.

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